Monday, February 26


I'm still here ... and sore! But more on that in a minute.

Sam had his surgery! He was an awesome little trooper, and is continuing to recover, but doing very well, all things considered. We're still having ups and downs, but there have been a lot more ups the last few days. Please continue to pray for him!

We have been so busy around here! Sam's surgery was Tuesday, and we got home Wednesday afternoon. Mom drove up Thursday and went home Saturday afternoon, and Sherry and Phyllis came to visit on Saturday, also. The weather has been so great that we've been working outside a LOT to get everything ready for planting! I'm hoping to get my spinach, garlic, onions, and herbs in this week. I planted my blueberry plants this afternoon, and have been transplanting peppermint for the last few days. We have extended the regular garden by about 60%, and I'm expanding the herb garden by about 3 times. That's why I'm so sore!!! I spent over 2 hours today tilling ... without a tiller. Oy!! So I plan on sleeping well tonight ... ahhhh!!

John and I watched The Departed last night, and it was absolutely amazing!! Over the last few years, I've becone much more conservative about what I watch, and I like, too. However, this movie was so well done. I think I may be developing a little crush on Leo ... but I digress. It deserved the Best Picture award, and I'm glad Scorsese won the Best Director.

Well, off to give Sam meds, then to bed!! More posts coming soon!!!


Lyndsey said...

Welcome To My Spaceship! Seriously. I have a blog now.

Here's the URL:

Homekeeper Mom said...

I am so glad that Sam is doing well! I have been thinking about him!! How was your guys' anniversary? ;)

I have been wanting to tell you for MONTHS now, that I finally read "The Devil wears Prada". I loved it! I also read her book "Everyone worth knowing"....that was really good too. I rented the movie "the devil wears Prada" and we are going to watch it tonight.

Hope your garden turns out nice!

~Candi (Homekeeper at Heart)