Tuesday, September 18


To all the lovely women who left comments on my last post, thank you so much!! Y'all totally made my day. Evening. Night. It's 10:30, past my bedtime. Y'all made my night. :) It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who sometimes has issues, know what I mean?

Today, we had school, did some housework, played outside, worked a little in what's left of the garden, took a meal to Mr McCormick, and visited with him for a while, got caught in a freak rainstorm, had supper, and watched Dirty Jobs. It's a hard, hard life we lead, I know.

This week's Bible verse is Proverbs 10:1 'A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is the grief of his mother.' Hmm, ill-behaved and foolish children won't really make John look bad, they'll make moi look bad. Not the top reason to train up my children, but not a bad motivator!!!

Retarded rooster post tomorrow, with pics. I promise!!

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