Monday, November 5

Stroke of Genius

I had a craving for Taco Soup this morning, so I decided to make it for lunch. I thought I had a bag of cooked meat from the last time I browned meat for this recipe, but I realized (after mixing and heating all the other ingredients) that I didn't have it anymore! Oh, no! But then I discovered that taco soup is great without meat.

Candi has been telling me for a few years how much her husband like rice in the taco soup, but I've never tried it. Payday isn't until Thursday, and I was less than responsible with my budget last week, so I'm running a little short this week. Or, you could say, I have no money for meat or another trip to the store. So I cooked one cup (pre-cooked measurements) of my brown rice that I love, and added it to the recipe. I couldn't even tell that there was no meat in there, and it gave me a lot more soup!! Yay!! I love leftovers!!

And a nice plus: if you've got any vegetarian friends, this recipe is perfect, and if you don't use cheese (or use soy cheese), this is a vegan recipe! Who knew?

Ah, it's nice when things work out in my favor ...

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